All recommendations regarding nutrition are the same for type 1 and type 2 diabetics. Diabetes adapted nutrition is one of the columns in the treatment of diabetes. Therapy including nutrition can help to improve health condition and quality of life of diabetics.
Many type 1 diabetics are slim whereas the majority of type 2 diabetics are overweighed. Especially these people have to care more intensively for a calorie-reduced, low-fat nutrition in combination with increased activity of the body.
Diabetics on insulin have to consider the intake of carbohydrates (bread units, BE) to adapt intake of food with the insulin dose. It is recommended to split the portions of carbohydrates continuously over the day and also depends from the type of insulin therapy.
People with diabetes should take care for varied, balanced mixed food like non-diabetic individuals. It is a goal to combine taste with the correct choice, amount and consistence of food to increase wellness and to optimize blood glucose control.
The pyramide of nutrition helps to figure out which food in what amounts should be eaten.
These are the recommendations regarding optimal distribution of nutrients following the newest European Guideline for Nutrition at diabetes: