Diabetes at animals/Correct blood sampling at animals/

Correct blood sampling at animals

Where to get a sample?

Consult your veterinarian for advice how to measure blood sugar levels at your pet. You will get information about the most appropriate sites for blood sampling.
You can take a blood sample from the following sites:

:  (© )
VET Blutentnahme EN: VET Blutentnahme EN (© Wellion)

Tips and tricks for blood sampling

Getting a blood sample from dogs and cats for blood glucose measurement - Dr. Zeugswetter VetMedUni Vienna - Video

Sometimes it takes longer to produce a blood drop of appropriate size.
Here some tips how to get the optimal blood drop:

  • Warm the puncture site by means of a warm cloth prior to the blood sugar test
  • Gently rub the puncture site

The following tips will help your pet to accept the blood sugar test more positively:

  • Perform the blood sugar test under relaxed, quiet homeconditions
  • The pet should get a treat as a reward after the testing
  • Try to get your pet used to the gentle click of the lancing device
